Welcome to the Phoenix!

Following the defeat of the swarm, the Federation Senate feared that another enemy would rise in the shadows to take their place. Admiral Kilgore was tasked with discovering who this new enemy was. She needed a fast ship, and an agile Captain to command her.
Admiral Kilgore brought the DFS Phoenix out of mothballs. The ship's primary focus was to patrol the borders of the Federation, searching for that next enemy. Captain Thornhill knows what her primary focus is, however she is trying to keep the door open between the outer rim colonies and the Federation. So she relunctantly agrees to command the DFS Phoenix.
Admiral Kilgore has been given several intelligence reports suggesting that the Government on Orteria is seeking to become its own political power house within the Federation. The rumors suggest that this radical government might have ties to the fallen Faith Servies Fleet. According to the intelligence reports, they might be looking to restore the religious icon called the "Phoenix," and bring what they are calling order to the universe.
This cult has began a search or the gems that could potentially bring back the Phoenix. Admiral Kilgore wants Alison to find the gems, and bring them back to to her, to keep them out of the hands of the cult.
While the DFS Lavie attempts to stop the cult through the political arena, Admiral Kilgore wants to stop them in the real world. She has very little faith in the politicians of the Federation Senate.
Captain Thornhill did not trust her mother, but she had her orders to follow. And she was still new to the political game. Captain Thornhill and her crew are playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse, and trying to gather all the crystals, before the cult does. After Captain Thornhill gets the Crystals, she will decide what to do with the crystals.
Latest Mission Posts
» Unexpected Surprise
Mission: S1, E2: On the edge
Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2024 @ 5:44pm by Captain Alison Thornhill & Lieutenant Stephen Sanchez & Lieutenant JG Aaron Campbell & Ensign Laura Sparrow & Commander Catalina Torres & Lieutenant Gavin Anderson & Lieutenant Matthew Langford & Lieutenant Junior Grade Michelle Daly
Location DFS Phoenix, Bridge
The klaxtons were going off, as Alison walked on to the bridge. “Report.” she looked over to Gavin hoping he had some answers for. But he had also just walked onto the bridge.
Laura rose from the command chair. “Captain we have a single raider make…
» A minute to late
Mission: S1, E2: On the edge
Posted on Mon Dec 25th, 2023 @ 4:30am by Captain Alison Thornhill & Lieutenant Stephen Sanchez & Lieutenant JG Aaron Campbell & Ensign Laura Sparrow & Commander Catalina Torres & Lieutenant Gavin Anderson & Lieutenant Matthew Langford & Lieutenant Junior Grade Michelle Daly
The klaxons started to go off, and Alison was just leaving her ready room she would just completed the nightly reports and was about to call it a night.
There was attacking reported in the rim. A young officer at tactical then turn around said. "Optica 2 Colony is being…
» First Strike
Mission: S1, E2: On the edge
Posted on Sat Jul 22nd, 2023 @ 4:45am by Lieutenant Stephen Sanchez & Ensign Laura Sparrow & Commander Catalina Torres & Lieutenant Matthew Langford
Laura walked into the mess hall. The cat and mouse game was getting old. She grabbed a plate of food, and sat down at a small table. She started to take a bite of food, as Matthew approached her. She really liked him, but wondered if she could even get…
» Cat and Mouse
Mission: S1, E2: On the edge
Posted on Fri Jun 23rd, 2023 @ 5:16am by Captain Alison Thornhill & Ensign Laura Sparrow & Commander Catalina Torres & Lieutenant Gavin Anderson
It had been two hours since a pirate ship was scene on sensors. Alison was getting a little annoyed. The pirates appeared to be toying with them. They were just taunting them, so far they had not struck anyone on the rim. She wondered what they were waiting for?
» The Rim is approaching
Mission: S1, E2: On the edge
Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 6:47am by Captain Alison Thornhill & Lieutenant Stephen Sanchez & Lieutenant JG Aaron Campbell & Ensign Laura Sparrow & Commander Catalina Torres & Lieutenant Gavin Anderson & Lieutenant Matthew Langford & Lieutenant Junior Grade Michelle Daly
"It's taken us three days to get back to the rim, and our mission is to patrol the sector. Wait for reported pirate attack, and intercept them." Alison said, as she started her briefing. She had the main tactical display up in the conference. It had their navigation course to…